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SOMT University of Physiotherapy aims to train physiotherapists (as well as doctors in a post doctorate program) to become experts in the field of human movement and locomotion. By combining higher professional education and university education with research and expertise, we are the starting point for clinicians, able to deliver sustainable and responsible high-quality prevention strategies and care at a high level within a multidisciplinary and academic setting.

Education, research and expertise center

SOMT University of Physiotherapy is a center of expertise that provides physical therapists with powerful, challenging blended learning. Development-oriented physiotherapists are encouraged, both independently and in collaboration, to find the best and directly applicable solutions in uncertain and complex situations within their specialist domain, through a constantly (self) critical, question-asking attitude. Science and practice go hand in hand. Considering everyone's (learning) characteristics, the activating education of SOMT University of Physiotherapy offers physiotherapists the challenge to rise above themselves. This individual growth process is closely monitored with continuous testing and adjusted where necessary.

At SOMT University of Physiotherapy, physiotherapists are trained in analyzing health problems from a biopsychosocial perspective against a constantly changing background of scientific, social and technological developments. The educational program will take the definition of positive health (WHO) as back bone. With innovative, competence and practice-oriented education, physiotherapists develop a high level of rational, evidence-based clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making, coached by teachers with an academic background and extensive practical experience.

The education of SOMT University of Physiotherapy (Higher Professional education and University, Bachelor and Master) strives for excellence according to Erasmus Chartered Principles. It is an inclusive university. Students and their employers, teachers, the professional field, referrers, health insurers and above all clients / patients can appeal to SOMT University of Physiotherapy for the highest quality education possible.