Jeroen Sebastiaan Demarteau - Researcher @ SOMT University of Physiotherapy

Jeroen Sebastiaan Demarteau


  • Ageing, Posture, Functional Performance, Hyperkyphosis

J. Demarteau Msc.

Jeroen Demarteau is professor at the Geriatric Physiotherapy Master program. Physiotherapist (1998), Manual Therapist (2006), Geriatric Physiotherapist  (2009), Echography-MSU (2009), PhD student (2014). He has been working at SOMT University of Physiotherapy since 2011.



  • Braun SM, Beurskens AJ, van Kroonenburgh SM, Demarteau J, Schols JM, Wade DT. “Effects of mental practice embedded in daily therapy compared to therapy as usual in adult stroke patients in Dutch nursing homes: design of a randomised controlled trial.”, BMC Neurology 2007 Oct 15;7:34

  • Bautmans I, Demarteau J, Cruts B, Lemper JC, Mets T. “Dysphagia in elderly nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment can be attenuated by cervical spine mobilization.”, Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2008 Oct; 40 (9): 755 – 60

  • Schmitz MJH van der Zanden OCMW, Demarteau JS. “De meerwaarde van echografisch onderzoek bij schouderletsels”, Tijdschrift Manuele Therapie 2009 Mei (5) 2: 31-34